The mother voice of Nature sings
To creatures high and low,
Yet man denies the lowly thing]
The right to live and grow
The ravished brood, the trampled flower
That held the honey bee,
Entitled to each wondrous hou
Of God's eternity.
The mother voice of Nature sings;
At her divine behest
The fledgling chirps and lifts its wings,
And flutters from the nest.
O Man, whose consciousness has grown
So far above the cloud,
Thy soul may soar through space alone,
Thou knowest all is God!
Then with thy spiritual might
Retain what thou hast won,
But rob no creature of the right
To climb as thou hast done
Befriend the lowly things of earth,
And keep forever plain
The majesty of Human
Worth In Evolution's Chain.
Alice Fanson Rays from the Rose Cross, 1985,
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